7th Dec 2024
Possibly the most common hair system hairline issue, and possibly the most frustrating for wearers everywhere: the dreaded lifting.
Lifting can happen for a number of reasons: hot weather melting the adhesive, not enough adhesive on the hairline, not waiting for the adhesive to fully bond, etc. How to deal with these issues.
Apply a touch of Mity Tite to your hairline to reseal and strengthen that point. Also you can apply Walker scalp protector or Pro Hair Labs No Sweat to boost the adhesives hold.
Precise placement of the hair system on the scalp is the most important factor in the entire installation. The unit is not a hat, where it can be flipped to the left or the right or worn backwards.
Try Walker Just-Rite Positioning Spray. Just-Rite helps to delay the bond of the adhesive, allowing for placement adjustments and corrections in order to get the system onto the scalp as best as possible.
As systems wear out and age, issues like frizz and tangles can begin to arise and cause some havoc for hairlines.Use Ghost Mist to keep your hair frizz free, de-tangled and looking great.